Are you looking for something greater to be apart of? Through volunteering, becoming an intern, COMING ON an Expedition, or donating…
YOU ARE a step closer to Being Part of the SOLUTION!
Be part of the solution
Review the volunteer and internship opportunities we currently have available and choose how you would like to be a part of Planet Rehab!
Volunteers must must make a commitment of minimum eight (8) hours per month and be at least 14 years of age.
Come on an expedition
TRAVEL WITH US…To Green Acres, a majestic rainforest on the banks of stunning Dolphin Bay in Bocas del Toro, Panama, which is also an organic chocolate farm.
Not only will you have the opportunity to experience this beautiful archipelago, you’ll also be involved with important and crucial environmental initiatives during our exciting eight day Environmental Expedition.
Through your donations Planet Rehab can educate the public on environmental issues as well as provide necessary funds to help protect endangered species. We rely exclusively on sponsorships and donations, both from private individuals and concerned businesses.
Your tax-deductible contribution is crucial, as it ensures that we can continue to nurture the relationship between humanity and nature.