Working towards a better world
Planet Rehab is dedicated to protecting the environment by nurturing the relationship between humanity and nature. We raise awareness of current environmental challenges by educating people of all ages how we Can protect existing Ecosystems.
JUST ONE TREE Reforestation
At Green Acres our Almendro Tree nursery has grown and planted thousands of saplings. Almendro TreEs are now extinct in many areas of Central and South America.
Our project grows saplings from our mature Almendro Trees which we transplant to bio-sensitive regions of Bocas del Toro, Panama where they are protected. Almendro Trees are a Keystone Species - many species depend on them - including 16 mammal species, 19 bee species, and over 100 species of birds as well as the highly endangered Great Green Macaw which nests exclusively in the Almendro Tree.
Almendros are going extinct because their extremely hard, termite resistant wood is highly prized for use in construction.
Food Forest Development
Just as in the rest of the world, the local diet in Panama has become meat and processed sugar heavy, leading to health issues. As a very grass-roots effort, we started the Native Farm Survival Kit program to mentor better eating and farming practices in our local Ngäbe villages.
We selected trees and plants that are local to the Bocas del Toro region - Jack Fruit, Birba Fruit, Water Apple, Cranberry Hibiscus Katuk, which we grow to seedlings and then transplant to community gardens. We host cooking demonstrations and nutritional information for the recipient villages.
We follow up regularly with the communities to guarantee the success of the program.
Watch The Aldana Experience!
Great Green Macaw Project and ENdangered Species Protection
With 150-200 species going extinct each day, the only hope for many species is Captive Breeding programs. Planet Rehab has released offspring from our breeding efforts into our protected rainforest.
The facts don't lie. Despite being being smaller than South Carolina, Panama is home to more than 10,000 varieties of plants and more than 1,500 different types of animals - including the largest population of unique bird species in Central America. Unfortunately, 359 species in Panama are already at risk of extinction.
REEF Restoration
Coral Reefs are in danger around the world! Our Salt Water Pond GROWS Coral for Restoration efforts.
The Pond is used to foster Man-made Reefs which mimic their natural habitat but with ties to hold down the coral fragments.
This project depends on continuous research to identify the best coral for fragging in the Bocas del Toro region. Fragging of coral, dividing up and mounting healthy coral into smaller segments, allows corals to grow as much as 20 times faster.
We work alongside other organizations to help promote this project to save more coral reefs, as well as, continue research for identifying the most successful technique for growing healthy coral ecosystems.
Amphibian Preservation
Amphibians, and especially frogs, are dying out at a faster pace than most other species and must be protected.
Planet Rehab is bringing back the Red Frog Strawberry Poison Dart Frog to Green Acres, as well as protect the other frogs that live in the area.
Our plan starts in the "Ranarium" or Amphibian Home. Once the Ranarium is completed, we will build water features (waterfall, stream, pond) to encourage the frogs to repopulate the area.
Our plan is to heavily plant the area with the necessary tropical foliage, specifically Bromeliads which are used for the tadpoles.
Once the populations of the red frogs reaches 100, frogs they will then be released into the wild portion of Green Acres.
Pollinator Population Development
The population of pollinators around the world has declined dramatically!
To curb this decline, our team is continually researching to determine which species of butterflies are indigenous to the area surrounding Green Acres on Dolphin Bay in Bocas del Toro, Panama. We plant "Host Plants" to attract and support these butterflies back to the region.
Biodiversity Mapping
to be able to better to protect our environment we need to become better aware of the plants and animals around us.
Make your next vacation meaningful by becoming a volunteer to help save our planet! Travel with us to Bocas del Toro’s stunningly beautiful beaches and rainforests where you will learn new skills, meet like-minded people from around the world, and be part of conservation in action. Your participation will help us to map the biodiversity at Green Acres and you will work with local populations to help protect the flora and fauna for future generations.