Last year, Planet Rehab launched a brand new concept for them, Expeditions. Evolving straight out the desire to educate people and get direct involvement in some of the critical areas that are threatening the environment and the planet as a whole.
Planet Rehab has always tried to have education about important topics and issues be a cornerstone of its existence. It’s used articles, interviews, events, and social media to help bring these messages to the public. Just a few years ago, Planet Rehab’s founder, Gary Mitchell, relocated to Bocas del Toro, Panama. He brought his mission of education and passion for preservation with him. He now owns an amazing property that’s the home of botanical gardens and the Green Acres Chocolate farm. During the tours of the estate, Gary shares the importance of doing what you can, what everyone can, to help save the planet.
A couple of members of Planet Rehab recalled some past experiences of expeditions to remote countries and sharing in mission work, corporate retreats, and general outreach projects to improve the lives of the people there. So why couldn’t something like that work here? The hybrid Planet Rehab Expeditions concept was born.
So, what is this Expedition then? Quite simply, it’s taking the people to the education rather than the education to the people. Having people engaged in real life experiences that teach as well as improve the world. This is a “get your hands dirty and make a difference” type of experience. There are plenty of day trips and tours in the area. Lots of fun, and some educational and cultural experiences to be sure. But why not do this for several days in a row? Not just a couple hours and a few stops along the way, but a real, immersive experience. Get to know the real people, the real plants and animals that make up the world around you. Be an active part in helping to restore native species and habitats. Learn why it’s important, actually do something about it, and have fun doing it.
This unique experience is coming up fast. We have openings for our first, full scale Expedition coming up in March. This is your chance to shake off the cobwebs and get involved. To be part of the solution. Not only will you make a real life, immediate impact in the fight to save the environment. You will have fun doing it. You’ll meet like-minded, motivated people that share the same passions. You will build a friendship with a community that has dedicated itself to making the world better a little at a time, every day. Of course, there will be down time to enjoy the clear waters, the jungle paths, fresh cacao, good conversation, great food, and just soak it all in.
Ready? Check out this link: http://planetrehab.org/expeditions
Not Ready? Have questions? Need more info? Drop us a line here, and someone from Planet Rehab will help out.